Mindfulness in Schools – Secondary (12 – 18 yrs) Curriculum

.b is the UK’s leading mindfulness program for young people aged 11 – 18.

This 10-week course is designed to used within the context of a school, sports club or other educational or youth-related organisations. This copyrighted curriculum is taught by a trained teacher.

.b – which stands for ‘stop, breathe and be!’ – is a set of 10 psycho-educational lessons. It provides students with tools that promote wellbeing and resilience giving students a taste of mindfulness, so that they learn about it and can return to it later in life if they choose to do so.

Each lesson, which can be included in PHSE or SMS development, lasts 45-60 minutes and demonstrates a distinct mindfulness skill in a way that engages young minds.

Mindfulness in Schools
Marina Caroli Mindfulness in Schools Teacher

Lessons typically include:
– an interactive PowerPoint-based presentation
– pupil-friendly visuals, film and sound images
practical exercises and demonstrations to make the ideas vivid and relevant to their lives
– a student handbook to allow students to keep a record of their development and to carry out exercises at home and in class.

.b aims to help young people to overcome difficulties, thrive and flourish so they can:
– experience greater well-being
– fulfil their potential and pursue their own goals academically and personally
– improve their concentration and focus skills
– deal with difficult mental states such as depressive, ruminative and anxious thoughts and low moods
– cope with the everyday stresses and strains of adolescent life such as exams, relationships, sleep problems, family issues

Research into its effectiveness is very promising. You can read about the research evidence arguing the use of mindfulness to help children at school, or generally in their lives.
Evidence for the Impact of Mindfulness

Watch this video to hear how staff and students feel about the .b curriculum.

If you are based in London and would like to know more about this course or other courses offered, please join our mailing list.


If you are considering this course in your school, please arrange a FREE initial consultation to discuss the needs of your organisation.